Sunday, June 8, 2008

Germany vs Poland: My money's on the winner.

Hello, everyone. Thought I'd drop by before bed and put up a nice little update since today was a fun, eventful day and I'm not totally certain I'll remember it all by tomorrow night since I have class and that will probably be on the forefront of my mind for most of the day. Today is the first day since I got here that I hadn't gotten up before 8am. I wanted to. I actually woke up at about 7:30, but I have decided that I really don't want to be sick while I'm here and I suppose that exhaustion is one of the best ways to make sure that I do in fact get ill. So I slept in, woke up finally around 10:00 because my body literally wouldn't let me sleep anymore. Then I did the breakfast thing and got ready for my bus tour of London which, by the way, was totally awesome. We drove around London for about three hours before stopping at the British Museum and saw quite a few things on our way, like:
The place where the Bishop of Canterbury lives
A nice statue of Winston Churchill
Fleet Street: Hello Sweeney Todd
and a great Korean festival at Trafalgar Square.

After the tour, some friends and I opted out on seeing the British Museum since we all have plans to spend quite a bit of time there considering the fact that our classes are taught within very close walking distance of it. Therefore, if I don't come home in six weeks, check the Egyptian exhibit. I'll be posing as a mummy.
Instead we walked to a restaurant and I had some great fish and chips while a couple other friends had falafel. By the way, the chips in London are great. Chips are french fries and they're nice thick ones instead of the stringy little McDonald's french fries. We then walked back to the Korean festival at Trafalgar Square and listened to the music for a while and just hung out. Then, we decided to walk from Trafalgar Square to St. Paul's Cathedral (check a map people. It's a fair piece away) for the 6:00 service. We made it, and it was beautiful. They don't let you take pictures of the inside, especially not during services, but the outside is incredible.
The service was fun too because they had beautiful music, a wonderful organist, and Cannon Warner was a joy to listen to. I plan on going back, perhaps next Sunday for their sung Eucharist. After that it was back to the dorm and then to a local pub to watch Germany trounce Poland, at least it was 2-0 when we left and I don't know if Poland had anything left in them, though I could be wrong. I have to say, it's the most fun I've ever had watching a football game because everyone else in the pub was so into it, though most of them were supporting Poland. Their mistake. I can't help it. I speak the language, I'm visiting the country in a few weeks. DEUTSCHLAND!
Well, I can't say I have much else to write. With classes starting I may not be able to update quite as much as I'd like, but I'm hoping to. My piece of traveling advice tonight...Cars will run you down. Pedestrians do not have the right of way unless you're at the Zebra crossings, white hashes on the ground, you're merely a moving target.
Happy Travels

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are enjoying London and all it has to offer. When we were in Finland - they do stop for walkers. After being there for almost two full weeks I got used to stopping and watching all cars stop for you - but not so at Kroger's in Jeffersonville.
K & D